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Showing posts from February, 2011

Credit Card Purchases......

Credit and Debit cards are convenient ways to pay for purchases at restaurants but one thing that many consumers forget to do is fill out the receipt completely. Since so many consumers do not check their bank and credit card statements on a consistent basis, many of you may have been scammed or victims of tip fraud and not aware of it. Have you been to Fridays or Beggars Pizza? The waiter or waitress brings your receipt;  well many of you skip THE MOST important step which is filling out the tip line. If you are leaving the tip in cash and not applying that to your card purchase you ALWAYS want to fill out that line so that no one can go in and fill out that line for you. Below is the correct way to fill out a receipt from a restaurant or fast food establishment. Example 1: There have been many cases when reviewing a clients bank statement and the receipt amount does not match up, well 80% of the time it was because there was an additional tip amount added to