A good way to stay on track with your bills is to write it down in your check register. For those of you with bank accounts there is a blue check register that I know many of you can't find it or it's consumed with dust :). But dusty or not when you receive your paycheck enter in the deposit of your payroll, then before you spend any money write down all the bills that you need to pay out of that check.
Balance 200
Deposit Payroll 1500 bal 1700
Mortgage/Rent 800 bal 900
Comed 45 bal 855
AT&T 100 bal 755
you get the point but now as you see the balance that you have available to spend after you pay your bills is $755.00 That is how you want to see your register. If you follow this tip I guaranty you will see an improvement on how you spend and budget. Taking small steps today can lead to a better way of life for the future. As always strive to be better and do better....till next time...
Lady P
Balance 200
Deposit Payroll 1500 bal 1700
Mortgage/Rent 800 bal 900
Comed 45 bal 855
AT&T 100 bal 755
you get the point but now as you see the balance that you have available to spend after you pay your bills is $755.00 That is how you want to see your register. If you follow this tip I guaranty you will see an improvement on how you spend and budget. Taking small steps today can lead to a better way of life for the future. As always strive to be better and do better....till next time...
Lady P
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